Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Are we headed for another Great Depression?

Recent class discussions and the evening news keep alluding to the decline in value of the US dollar and other marks of economic recession which may be signaling a crisis. Our upcoming study of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression will certainly lead us into discussions on the question which you will focus on for this week's blog: Is the US headed for another Great Depression?

1. Read any two of the following articles that offer varied perspectives on this weeks topic:


B) "A New Great Depression? It's Different This Time", by Michael A. Hiltzik.
LA Times, March 20, 2008.


"Are We Headed for Another Great Depression: Talks with Elaine Meinel Supkis" by MikeWhitney. Dissident Voice Newsletter, May 12th, 2007.



2) Summarize the key points of both articles and state your opinion on the framing question posted for this assignment, are we headed for another Great Depression? Be sure to refer from facts from the article and class to support your response.

Posts must be at least 200 words and include a response to at least one peer.

Due Friday 3/28

Sunday, March 16, 2008

What constitutes a just war? Analyzing the US' involvement in WWI and modern-day Iraq

This week marks the fifth consecutive year that US forces have been at war in Iraq. With all the emphasis we can anticipate the media and politicans will give this commemorative anniversary, it seems logical that we take some time to think together as a class about wars, past and present.

1) Consider what you know about World War I, the current War on Terror and global conflict in general. Then read an article from section I and II (read more if you like.) The hand out entitiled "Why did the US enter WWI" from last week will be helpful as well.

A) bulleted outline of key historical perspectives on the US' role in WWI, requires Acrobat reader

b) Describes public opinion and the historical impact of US foreign policy in the Great War

) discussion of US public opinion on American involvement in WWI

II) Iraq

D)"Just War or Just a War" by former US President Jimmy Carter, New York Times, 2003
(argues against continued US occupation and war in Iraq)

E) "Fighting a Just War in Iraq" by Joseph Locatone, The Heritage Foundation, 2003http://www.heritage.org/Research/Iraq/wm251.cfm(argues in favor of continued US occupation and war in Iraq)

F) "A War We Just Might Win" by Michael O' Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, New York Times, 2007
(offers analysis of US' effectiveness in Iraq)

2) Respond to the following questions. Include details from the articles and class as evidence of your work:

  • What makes a war just?
  • Was the US justified in it's decision to aid and ultimately join the Allied Powers in the Great War?
  • Is the US' involvement in Iraq just? Compare and contrast these conflicts and the US' role in them.

(Note - this assignment is intended to be analytical and maybe controversial, it's OK for us to disagree, but please maintain academic decorum and respect for one another's views.)

200 word minimum

Please respond to at least one other post

Due friday 3/21 by 5:00 p.m. (we don't have school that day.)

In class WWI webquest


Saturday, March 15, 2008

No required blog this week - extra credit optional current event

Locate and summarize an article on US foreign policy. Consider what you learned about the diplomatic policies of Roosevelt (Gunboat and Big Stick diplomacy) Taft (dollar diplomacy) and Wilson (moral diplomacy) In your opinion, which of these policies resembles the US' role in the intenational community today? Use specific examples from our classwork and the article to support your answer.Please post a link to the article.This is an optional assignment worth 10 points extra credit on our last or an upcoming exam.200 words, please.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Nationalist Movements in Hawaii and Puerto Rico

This week we are exploring the reasons that the US government sought colonial rule over regions of the Caribbean and South Pacific at the turn of the 20th century. The legitimacy of US authority over commonwealths like Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa and even the statehood of Hawaii remain controversial issues in modern society. This week's blog asks that you read some articles on contemporary nationalist movements and analyze the call for independence that is becoming a strong political movement among indigenous people in these areas.


Actively read the following articles on independence movements in Hawaii and Puerto Rico

Summarize the articles and explain the reasons why Puerto Rican and Hawaiian nationalists feel their homelands should be granted full independence by the US government.
In your opinion, would autonomy and self-rule benefit the people of Hawaii and Puerto Rico or exacerbate poverty and other problems that exist in these areas today? Explain using support from the article, your knowledge of history and any outside sources that you may use to further research this assignment. If you read other sources, be sure to cite the URL or newssource in your post.

minimum 200 words, please comment on the post of one of your peers.

Due Friday 3/7 before class.