Monday, April 7, 2008

Clash of cultures: 1910's vs. 1920's!

The twenties are generally regarded as a “roaring” decade in US History. Gender, race and nationality were all redefined as was the concept of what it meant to be "American." Arts , sports and entertainment transformed society and shaped an American identity of consumerism and leisure. This weeks’ blog asks that you consider how the US in the 1910’s differed from the US a decade later by responding to the question “Did the roaring twenties mark the emergence of a radically different American culture or were they simply a result of political, economic and social progress?”

Read the introductory passage from the “Clash of Cultures, the 1910’s and 1920’s” homepage.

Then, chose two of the following topics to investigate further:

a) Prohibition (18th Amendment banning the sale and consumption of alcohol)

b) Immigration restrictions and the Ku Klux Klan

c) The “New Woman” and flapper culture

d) The Scopes Trial – evolution debate/ religious reform and revival

Summarize the key ideas of the articles and respond to the framing question. Your post should be at least 200 words and include comments on at least one peer’s response.


Shaun Q said...

Between the 1910's and 1920's there was a clash of cultures that, ultimately, shaped the culture of America. This time period is os important, because it not only shapes modern society, but some of the issues brought up in this time period are still in debate today. In my opinion this cultural movement was the result of the emergence of a radically different American culture. The country started to shape its economic uprising. The car was invented and took the American people by storm. Prohibition was an adjustment to try to fix society at the time. This shaped a new America, because of the illegal markets being introduced, just like the market of illegal drugs today. Even though the 18th Amendment was later repealed, it still shaped the society of the 1920's. Another emergence of American culture is the Scope's Trial of 1925. The trial dealed with a history teacher who taught evolution. This dealt with the separation of church and state. There was a big issue whether children shoudl learn the religious explanation or the scientific explanation in school. Also, nobody knew whether the legislature should be allowed to regulate what their students learn in school. This shaped American culture, because this debate still goes on today. There is no clear answer, and this trial revealed that. The Roaring Twenties was a time of great leisure and fun for American people, and shaped the culture of America forever.

Ricka said...

“Did the roaring twenties mark the emergence of a radically different American culture or were they simply a result of political, economic and social progress?”

In the two articles explains all the issues and construction done to build the culture we have in America today. During the 1920's there were many up rises that contributed to the American culture. There was Nativism, which is a group of people who thought immigrants should not enter the U.S.A. This spread rapidly because immigrants were allowed in the country and used as laborers. Many did not want the immigrants in America; however, they increased the industrial growth. African Americans were also involved in the growth of the U.S, but many had hard feelings about that as well. Those feeling transformed to hate, leading to a hateful group called the Ku Klux Klan.
Prohibition was another way to up together the America we know and love today.
The roaring twenties marked the emergence of radically different American culture, as well as a political, economic, and social progress. There were many up risings and inventions that we still use today, and the progress the society made continued. Therefore, the twenties permitted the American culture to grow throughout the years into eternity.

kiissmeindarainn said...

Ashley Cifu
Block F
April 10,2008

In the twenties, there was an result of political economic and social progress. There were two classes and during this time the class has been emphasized change socially in which what were there morals, the other class was resisted cultural change, which was how they exercised their morals and had promoted their culture as oppose to emerging into a future of a new age coming. The classes, and there came a new class had been adopted industrialization because it had gave women a chance to work. With the adoption of industrialization, had came an issue of prohibition which was baned the production. Society had felt that the probhiintion act had been unfair, which was considered a way to deal with social changes, which had came from the industrialization mainly. This issue had brought other problems such has prostitution, stealing, and gambling in the northern cities. From this issue there was a result of alcohol drinks, jobs had been lost and the society had decreased. Also the political and economic and social changes had led to the rise of the New Women that were changing face of American's cities it was an increasing role of African Americans. Some people did not accept immigrants and some had supported the KKK and had believed that most American problems were due to the immigrants and blacks, which there was no evidence of this, it had became new news that these "foreign born" new people and the blacks were the major problems in society.

ke ai said...

Ama Kwakye
Block F
April 10,2008

The 1920's helped shape society to be who it is today. Neew ideas were becoming part of society such as different due to immagration and religiuos perspectives. There was a major bloom in the economy, great inventions and ideas. Since there an increase in economy there was also an increase in jobs. Women FINALLY started to get recognized for there amazing achievements. African Amerians were also starting to be accepted into society. The KKK did make it hard on everyone especially African Americans. Surpringly as proved in the articles acholism was a big "it" in the 1920's which caused people to act out. so acholol became banned because it was affecting people's everyday lifestyles so in 1919 the probation amendment was tied up. The citizens were saying it was a way to realize there stress from all the new changes in society so many were disapointed with it. Not only were people acting out of control but other activities were starting to be used such as prostitution. In the blooming 1920s there was some down falls but overall there were positive outcomes.

As Shaun said the 20's shaped America. If it wasnt for the 20'swhere would we be today? Not that our society wouldnt be great

khadijat O. said...

Supporting the article , I also believe that the 1910's and 1920's was a merging cultral clash within America. During the previous years, America had united from a divided country and became the world's powerfulest economic nation in the world. This huge achievment attracked so many immigrants, which caused them to leave their country and migrate to America. The new culture showed the decrease of farmers and the increase of rapidly growing carrers in buisness owners, industrialists and captilists. In the 1910's, America mostly produced, while in the 1920's America started to consume more . The old culture supported more of the ideal character.A Caucaion fit male who worked hard for his family , most likely as a farmer or worker and descriminated the usual people. The New culture showed more buisness workers , more black protest/stand up and more women action. Also, the transition between Christianity and Science made religion look like the past and science the future. The year of 1920, served as the year of more racial crimes than the year 1910. As Blacks moved more frequently to the South from the North, the Klu Klux Klan became more active as well as lynching by the people . Surprinsly,Caucasions were also being executed because of their belifes. John T. Scopes , a biologist teacher, was accused of teaching about classroom evolution. Time was changing , were people wanted to learn more about change and expoeriments rather than bible studies. Lastly, entertaintment began to shape the American people during the 1920's. Television shows expressed the way they felt love should look like and how families should act.
Acholism during between the 1910's and the 1920's also changed its role in America's society. In 1920, alcohol became apart of culture for most immigrants who came to America. The behavior of immigrants influenced the new behavior of Americans. Some became addicted while others developed the trend. America banned the sale and consumption of Alcohol for the fear of immigrant influence. Most people catorgorize the Irish with drinking. Artist used that aspect of Irishmen in their propagonda and political cartoons, they didnt want Americans to follow that. Also, some believed that tolerance would make the society more safe and better as people. The number of accidents increased along with the amount of people who drunk. On another topic, Anti- immigration was one thing that stayed the same between the two decades. Nationalism was high and Americans simply didnt want immigrants to migrate to America. The Klu Klux Klan became way more active during the 1920's than in the 1910's like I said earlier in my blog response.

In Response to Shuan. I also, believe that the debate between Religion and Science still boggles in our mind today like in the 1920's. In my case, It hurts my mind to learn about both of the topic because they both have very good evidence to its being. Yet , one has to out rule the other and be the truth.
Night, Khadijat.

Tiffany Cho said...

How did the US in the 1910’s differ from the US a decade later. Respond to the question “Did the roaring twenties mark the emergence of a radically different American culture or were they simply a result of political, economic and social progress?”

The transition of American culture from the 1910's to the 1920's was a drastic one. Before entering the roaring twenties, American culture consisted of promoting hard work, building character, and focusing on idealizing the past. However, the 1920's brought about a completely new kind of culture that created debatable issues. The “new” culture focused on sciences, rather than religion, and leisure and pleasure over hard work. The roaring twenties marked the surfacing of a radically different American culture, and Americans immediately sided to embrace or resist these new cultural changes. With the clash of cultures between the 1910's and the 1920's, the basic values of the American civilization was argued through one of the most famous trials, the Scopes trial of 1925. The trial discussed, but did not resolve, the content that was to be taught in classrooms and who would determine that, along with the most important question: “whether so-called rural values associated with religious fundamentalism or so-called urban values associated with science and modernism was to be the main basis of American culture”. When millions of immigrants came to the United States between 1870 and 1915 seeking jobs as industrial workers, a good portion of Americans were not in favor of immigration. The Ku Klux Klan in particular was an organization of Protestant Americans who were generally against the rapid changes taken into effect after WWI. They took drastic action such as burning crosses and terrorizing not only African Americans but even immigrant Catholics and Jews. However, the topic of mass immigration is very controversial, because without immigrants, our industrial economy would probably have been least successful. To restrict the number of immigrants entering America, western states and nativist organizations pressured the government and Congress to pass laws and Acts. The Immigration Act passed in 1924 limited immigration to a mere two percent. Essentially, Americans believed that with new immigrants brought new cultures that clashed with the already existing traditional American culture. As Shaun stated, the roaring twenties impacted even modern society and helped to establish a radically different and better American culture.

karmila said...

Karmila Saulong
Block F

The "roaring twenties" was time in US history where entertainment became a huge part of American culture. Women start to have a bigger role in society. The "new woman" became a person that was allowed to pursue public roles and even be show off their "sexy" side. Usually women were known for being housewives and being a home body. The new woman was seen in public more often and took on bigger roles in society. Women living from the 1890s to the 1920s started to bring out a new version of women. The roaring twenties marked the emeregence of a radically different American culture. Women in the past were afraid of showing off their bodies in society but flappers were women who liked introducing thier feminine and sexual side to society. The working class of women grew larger thus causing women to dramatically change the culture of America. Modern day America has been influenced by the actions and the roaring twenties. Women still believed in the values of the family life but many of the young women chose to live life freely.This era not only shaped America into what it has become today but women became recognized.

In response to Shaun, America truly was shaped due to this era. I agree completely with what was said.

Ciara said...
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Ciara said...

Ciara :]
Block F
The roaring twenties marked the beginning of an extremely unique American culture for many different reasons. The 1920’s was the beginning of entertainment, arts and sports and all different forms of leisure as Americans know it today. Before the roaring twenties, American life was mainly focused on working and making a living. It wasn’t until the 1920’s that different forms of entertainment came about, and people began becoming more involved in leisurely activities.
Two of the issues that arose during this time were a prohibition amendment banning alcohol and the beginning of the Ku Klux Klan. When the amendment was passed prohibiting alcohol, it split American society into two categories. For some, the temperance movement was just what we needed to solve some of the major issues in society. But, for others alcohol was a part of the American lifestyle. The rise of the KKK group caused major anxiety during the 1910’s, leading to many groups that rivaled the KKK in the 1920’s. The 1920’s was a major time in history for those who were against the KKK, because this was when many people began to fight back. What Shaun said is true; this was an important time because it shaped the culture of America. The 1920’s was the beginning of America as we know it today.

Yasmeen said...

Yasmeen Sweatte
F Block

Blog Post: The clash between the 1910's-1920's was a very tremendous event. I feel as though, this movement was what brought the different countries together. The Prohibition Act was basically enforced to try and shape-up the economy during the 1910's-20's. It also help to bring about a change for America. However, the change in economy opened up a door for plenty of options. But, some people didn't know how to deal with this adjustment that was given to their economy so, they turned to alcohol and prostitution to deal with their anger. That is why the Prohibition Act was passed and introduced to the society.

Response: I agree with Shaun 100% I feel that the 1920's played an important role when it came to molding the American society and economy into the place it is today.